Module 1: Make a U-Turn and Recommit

V1 All in

V2 All out

V3 Prioritize the healing journey

Module 2: Slow Your Communication Down

V1 Your mouth

V2 Your ears

V3 Deal with one issue at a time.

V4 Your eyes

V5 Your touch

V 6 Asking and Answering Questions

BONUS Video: How to Have A Safe Conversation

Module 3: Stop Rationalizing (and Start Apologizing and Forgiving)

V 1 The Anatomy of a Sincere Apology
V2 What Forgiveness Is and Isn't

V3 Initial Clean Up

V4 Clean Up in Real Time

V5 Destroy Defensiveness

V6 Empathy, Compassion, and Understanding

Module 4: Yield to Honesty

V 1 Push accountability
V2 No More Secrets

V3 Allow for Reframed Memories

Module 5: Exit Old Behavior

V1 The Trust Formula

V2 Start Filling the Trust Bucket

V3 Watch for the Y’s in the Road

Module 6: Construction Ahead--Develop New Healthy Relationship Patterns

V1 Shut the Shame Up

V2 Pursue personal Healing

V3 Your Next Steps

Bonus Resources:

No More Perfect Marriages Home Edition—4 video seminar to help you construct your 2.0 relationship

The Marriage Playbook—a fabulous resource to get you talking deeper and having fun again

No More Perfect Marriages Date Night (we suggest you start this free 6-month membership after you’ve completed Rebuilding Trust and the No More Perfect Marriages Home Edition Bonus. This will give you active support for the longest period of time.)

  • 33 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 28 Files

  • Welcome

  • Download the Course Handbook (we suggest you download one for each of you)

  • Learn How To Have A Safe Conversation

  • All In

  • All Out

  • Prioritize the Healing Journey

  • Recovering from Infidelity? Here are some resources specifically for you!

  • Your Mouth

  • Your Ears

  • Deal with One Issue at a Time

  • Your Eyes

  • Your Touch

  • Asking and Answering Questions

  • Bonus: How to Have a Safe Conversation

  • Bonus Q&A: What Do I Do With the Mental Pictures of My Spouse With the Other Person?

  • The Anatomy of a Sincere Apology

  • What Forgiveness Is and Isn't

  • Clean Up

  • Destroy Defensiveness

  • Empathy, Compassion, and Understanding

  • Impact Over Intent

  • Push Accountability

  • No More Secrets

  • Allow for Reframed Memories

  • The Trust Formula

  • Start Filling the Trust Bucket

  • Watch for the Y's in the Road

  • Shut the Shame Up

  • Pursue Personal Healing

  • Your Next Steps

  • Bonus #1: No More Perfect Marriages Home Edition Course--Prep Before You Start

  • Course Handbooks--print one for each of you!

  • Session #1: Dealing with Differences

  • Why Safe Conversations--3 min video

  • How to Have a Safe Conversation (Reminder for you!)

  • Session #2: Understanding Your Love Styles

  • The Impact of Safe Conversations

  • Session #3: The Slow Fades that are Unknowingly Robbing You of Connection

  • Session #4: Your God Tools That Will Stop The Fades and Create Connection

  • 8 God-Tools Printable

  • $50 off a couple to couple coaching session

  • Download the Marriage Playbook

  • Ideas for Assembling Your Marriage Playbook

  • Videos that help you use the Marriage Playbook to the fullest!

  • How to Start Your No More Perfect Date Night Membership